Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Good In, Bad Out

Good In, Bad Out

Scott Carlson, LMHP, CTS

Good In + Bad Out = HEALTH.  This is a scientific formula for the health of our body, mind, and souls.  The higher percentages of “good things” we put in to us will produce a higher health score. And the higher percentages of “bad things” we put in to us will produce a lower health score.  

When something enters our bodies through the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, or our skin, things immediately happen.  Foods or drinks that we put in us are instantaneously diagnosed as good or bad and processed accordingly by the amazing systems in our body.  We are highlighting the liver this month.  The liver’s job is to take what we put in and process the good to be used by the rest of the body and get rid of the bad.  It is a complex and beautiful sorting station for us, working harder for us than we know. Even when we put a lot of “feel good only” stuff in us, it works overtime to bail us out.  Sometimes it cannot keep up with the workload we put on it, and then our health score drops and we begin to experience symptoms that cause us pain and even suffering.  Sadly, pain and suffering are the body’s attempt to get our attention to notice and change.  But…we gotta listen!  

I would like to challenge us all to listen more to our body.  It is speaking to us.  One of the top 10 things healthy people do is to listen to their body and not ignore it or deny it.  We can call this listening anything we want - awareness, consciousness, enlightened, awakened, etc.  But whatever we call it, it will lead to increased health.  Healthy people get more and more acutely aware of what their body is saying to them and act on it.  It takes courage and humility to listen and make necessary changes to restore us to health.  More often than not, we may end up hearing things that we do not want to hear, because it probably leads to a change.  We fear hearing painful truths.  We fear giving up things.  We fear making changes.  All fears are oppositional to love - a spiritual law.  To face and get past our fears is then a loving act.  A great read on this is:  Dr. Lisa Rankin - The Fear Cure:  Cultivating Courage as Medicine for The Body, Mind, and Soul.  

Commit yourself today to not live in fear; decide to love with a plan to begin listening intently to your body.  Commit to courageously searching and asking yourself questions about your symptoms and your behaviors.  Commit yourself to the long, daily walk of health - not the short, quick fixes that typically do not work long-term.  Believe that you do not have to live life by merely “coping” and do not settle!  The act of listening takes good information in to get the bad out of us = guarantee of improved health.  It’s not too late! Who you will become begins today; let’s seize it!

And if we can help you with your plan, we would love to join you in your journey to become a healthy “liver”.

Reduce Cellulite with a Body Detox

Reduce Cellulite with a Body Detox

by Leanne Rangel

Did you know: We are exposed to THOUSANDS of chemicals every day? Think about how you began your day this morning. You jumped in the shower where you used shampoo, conditioner, soap and a facial cleanser. You probably applied lotions, make-up or shaving cream and hair care products. You brushed your teeth, put on freshly cleaned clothes and sprayed a little perfume before grabbing breakfast and walking out the door. Good morning everyone! If you’re like most people, you just started your day with a dose of about 250 chemical toxins—all before you even left the house.

So what does this have to do with cellulite?  Many toxins are fat-soluble, meaning they dissolve in fat and are stored in our fat cells.  Normal, healthy fat cells are a nice round shape and allow the skin above them to lay smooth, indicating healthy circulation and minimal toxicity.  When toxins and fluid are added, these unhealthy fat cells begin to bulge.  This bulging, honeycomb shaped fat cell causes the bumpy appearance of cellulite on the outside of the skin. Promoting healthy weight loss is important - as we reduce our body fat, those toxins are eliminated from our body from the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, etc.

While there is no “quick fix” for cellulite, there are some things you can do to begin reducing it. In addition to seeing Stacy for a liver detox and/or changing your diet, finding ways to limit your toxic load is critical.  Using products that are chemical-free you skin care regimen is a great way to begin. The products we carry at Alternatives are hand-selected for this very reason:

Jane Iredale Mineral Make-Up:
Eminence Organics: Superior products and treatments use a unique blend of USDA Certified Organic, hand-picked ingredients to deliver outstanding results; contains no harmful chemicals including Parabens, Petrolatum, Mineral Oils, Propylene Glycol or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
Epionce: The advanced formulas used help your skin reach optimum health by improving your body’s natural ability to heal and protect itself from environmental detriments; Fragrance-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free non-comedogenic, cruelty-free

Our Exfoliating Body Wrap will help massage the toxins out, especially when combined with a relaxing session in our Infrared Sauna! A Medi-Body pack is another great detoxifying solution. Read our recent articles about the benefits of the Infrared Sauna here and the Medi-Body pack here. (include links to our articles from the fall maybe?)

Come in to see me for extra tips to fight cellulite! Spring is here and summer is right around the corner! Time to show your skin off with a smile!

The Liver – Brain Connection

Aaron Mlnarik, Neurotherapy Technician

The liver and the brain are intricately connected: nearly all chemicals that enter your body, and those made within your body, require detoxification in the liver. The liver generates hundreds of biochemical messengers to send throughout the body that influence all types of physiological functions. Those substances can directly affect how the brain functions. They can cause changes in cellular functioning that will manifest as brain fog, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and moodiness. A stressed liver can stress your brain. Neurotherapy can help to reverse those changes. Using EEG technology, our “brain map” can indicate if liver stress exists and how it might be affecting your brain. That information can help us help you to get to the root cause of the issue. It also can tell us how to help treat it. To find out more, call the office to schedule a consultation with Scott, our Neurotherapist.

Rebalance and Rejuvenate Your Body with Alternative’s Spring Detox

Rebalance and Rejuvenate Your Body with Alternative’s Spring Detox

By Stacy Urbanski

Spring has sprung!  Spring cleaning has begun.  You wash the salt build up off your car to prevent rust, open windows to let the fresh air in and remove the layer of dust to reveal a fresh new start.  But, what about rejuvenating the most sacred temple of all?  Your body is your greatest ally, always seeking to renew, rebalance, support and sustain you.  There is wisdom in your body, treat it with care.

Spring is the time to support your body by detoxifying the liver.  It’s time to release stored toxins that build up over the winter when the body goes into hibernation mode.  In winter, extra energy is stored, sunlight and exercise decrease, and stress is at its peak.  Just as the winter grime needs to be washed from your car to prevent rust, your liver needs to be gently flushed to be rejuvenated and maximize health and well-being.

The liver is the body’s largest solid organ and the most vital for nourishment and protection.  All substances that enter the body must pass the liver’s border inspection.  From there, some substances are converted into nutrients that our cells can use immediately or store for later.  Toxic substances must be eliminated through waste.  When the toxic load is heavy, the liver becomes overwhelmed, pollutants recirculate and are stored in the fat cells of the body, including those in your brain.
We live in an accumulative toxic environment.  Exposure to chemically laden foods, cleaning products, air pollution, prescribed drugs, and internal stress constantly invade our body.  The liver and gallbladder simply can’t keep up with the burden and ultimately the aging process is accelerated. Many people are unaware of the root causes when fatigue sets in, joints ache, gastrointestinal problems increase, depression ensues and weight is gained.  In a search of answers, we go to the doctor and more drugs are prescribed to simply cover the symptoms and add to the toxic load.

Alternatives is your resource for lightening your toxic load.  We have created a regimen that includes well-researched herbal supplements coupled with the perfect balance of protein and healthy fats that will take the guesswork out of your spring cleanse.  You will also be equipped with meal plans that won’t leave you feeling hungry and allow a gentle, relaxing cleanse experience.

By easing your liver’s load, your body will have the ability to better absorb vital nutrients, prevent disease and support weight loss.  Allow me to customize a 14- or 21-day program that includes a diet plan with specialty-formulated shakes and meal suggestions for your unique preferences and appropriate supplementation used to aid in the detoxification process. All of this is packaged to make the cleanse experience convenient for a busy lifestyle.   To enhance your body’s detoxification, I will provide you with instructions to perform your own ancient home therapies.   In addition, try Alternatives’ infrared sauna and spa treatments to ensure the maximum benefits of this spring cleaning endeavor!

Stacy Urbanski, DTR

Friday, January 30, 2015

No Bake Energy Bites

Energy Bites (no bake)

1 cup dry, old fashioned oats
2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
½ cup creamy almond butter
½ cup ground flaxseed
½ cup dark chocolate chips
1/3 cup raw honey
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well until fully incorporated.

Cover and chill for 30 minutes to an hour.

Roll into balls of your preferred size.  If mixture is too sticky, wet palms.

Store in an airtight container.  Will keep well at moderate room temperature or in frig.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Omaha's First and Best HCG Weight-loss Program

Omaha's First and Best HCG Weight-loss Program
by Stacy Urbanski DTR, Nutritionist

2015 is almost here, it’s time for envisioning goals and setting a plan of action to achieve what the heart desires.  If your desire is to look and feel healthy by losing weight- Alternatives has a plan for you. 

The HCG weight loss program is a 12 week medically supervised program for women and men divided into 4 phases. By focusing on one phase at a time, the program is simplified and easy to follow.  We will meet with you throughout each phase in order to assess your weight loss, overall health and where adjustments can be made in order to ensure your success.

Along with a detailed food plan and HCG cookbook, daily HCG shots are prescribed. The shots last for 6 weeks and will help suppress the appetite and assist the body in burning stored fat.  Stored fat accumulates in hard to lose areas such as the abdomen, hips, upper arms, buttocks and breasts.  Without the HCG, other fats are burned first such as structural fats needed to protect organs.  When given the HCG shot, 2,000 – 4,000 calories of stored fat are released and burned for energy.  This is why our patients don’t feel hungry, and lose an average of 1 pound per day!

Dr. Simeons, a British physician and renowned expert on weight loss theory, discovered HCG’s unique ability to promote the body to use fat as fuel.  This was discovered when he used the HCG hormone on boys diagnosed with Froehlich’s disease.   Froehlich’s disease is derived from damage of the pituitary gland resulting in endocrine abnormalities.  When Dr. Simeons treated the boys with HCG it helped them come to sexual maturity and changed their shape by decreasing fat and increasing muscle.

In the late 1950’s Dr. Simeons opened an obesity treatment clinic in Rome.  The HCG diet plan has been successfully used all around the world ever since.

What exactly is HCG?  HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone) is a hormone extracted from pregnant women which assists in the release of stored fat to nourish the fetus.  A pregnant women produces several thousand units of HCG a day while only 125 units are given to our HCG patients daily.  This is why there are no sexual side effects and HCG can be used by both men and women.

Why choose Alternatives for HCG support?  We have experience supporting patients on the HCG diet and Michelle McCaslin, our Nurse Practitioner, has had success following the HCG diet herself.  We also require the HCG diet process is closely monitored and completed in a healthy way. 

At Alternatives, we carry the best quality lines of supplements available on the market. We also have the knowledge it takes to combine those supplements with the HCG diet in order to keep you feeling energized and balanced during all phases of the plan. In fact, we were the first in Omaha to offer the HCG diet and have more experience than anyone in the area.

The HCG plan is designed for individuals who are ready for a long-term lifestyle change.  The plan gives overweight patients an opportunity to jumpstart this process by losing weight fast and learning to be more aware of food choices and portions.

I will be available for nutritional support during this entire process.  This is especially important in the last phase of the diet as certain foods are reintroduced into the body.  Once you have lost the weight and feel energized, you will be inspired to continue with a new approach to food.  Together, we will devise an individual plan for you and remove any obstacles that might stand in the way of your everlasting healthy weight.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Is Gluten-Free a Fad? A Gluten-Free Diet Decreases Inflammation and Supports Immune System Health

Is Gluten-Free a Fad? A Gluten-Free Diet Decreases Inflammation and Supports Immune System Health
by Michelle McCaslin

The term “Gluten-Free” is everywhere. There are gluten-free menus at restaurants and whole sections in the grocery store are devoted to this phenomenon. It is a word that gets thrown around a lot in conversations these days, but why? Is it a fad?

At Alternatives, we know going gluten-free is indeed NOT a fad. We have seen the elimination of gluten greatly improve the quality of life for many of our patients. (Including myself and Dr. Ryan-Carlson!)

There are an increasing number of individuals who are showing signs of gluten intolerance. As a result, these people notice that when they eliminate gluten from their diets, they feel better.

Gluten intolerance involves an immune response in which the end result is inflammation. When consuming gluten, individuals exhibit symptoms that relate to inflammation within the gut lining such as abdominal discomfort, bloating and gas. And some have no symptoms what so ever but have a familial line of autoimmune diseases.

Most people notice that various gut symptoms will be treated with trial elimination of gluten, which reduces inflammation and supports the immune system, resolving many underlying gut issues.

In addition, we have seen a number of other symptoms resolve from simply going on a gluten-free diet:
·      Migraines
·      Headaches
·      Rashes
·      Joint pain
·      Neuralgia
·      Depression
·      Endometriosis
·      Obesity

The body is multifaceted and there are many causes to various symptoms. At Alternatives, we pay attention to the whole person and all the various causes in order to help significantly decrease inflammation and assist patients in achieving optimal and quality health. Elimination of gluten is but one tool that helps decrease overall inflammation. 

In practice, I have had many experiences with treating gut issues and autoimmune diseases by suggesting a gluten-free diet with great results. It is profound to help people understand the effects of diet choices and how the body responds to the quality and choice of foods we ingest.
So what is gluten? Wheat is made up of starch, water, fats and proteins. The total protein is broken into albumin, globulin and gluten. Gluten is then comprised of gliadin and glutenin. Gluten is what gives breads the doughy texture, helps the process of rising and gives the shape of the bread. Over the years, the amount of gluten in breads has increased and the amount of wheat flour used in foods has increased as well. On top of increasing amounts of wheat flour in our diets, the wheat in the US is often (but not always!) sprayed with Glyphosate or Round-up prior to harvest. Wheat is obscurely in many of the foods Americans eat and it is chemical laden.

There are three types of people who will benefit from a gluten-free diet:

1)   Those with Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the small intestines. Those with Celiac will have unwanted immune reaction to gluten that causes the body to attack the healthy cells within the small intestines, which induces inflammation and destruction of small intestine cells.
2)   Those with an actual wheat allergy. Having a wheat allergy elicits an immune system response to a component of wheat, which results in a histamine release and inflammation.
3)   Those with gluten-sensitivity. Gluten-sensitivity is when there is an immune system response to the gluten that causes symptoms similar but not as severe to what Celiac patients report.

Aside from the three immune responses to wheat or gluten, wheat is chemically laden with glyphosate, which also contributes as another source of inflammation (Samsel & Seneff, 2013). The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness has a handout that explains the difference between Celiac Disease and NCGS (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity). In the handout it states:

The research on NCGS is only in its infancy, but it is estimated to affect 6% of the population, or 18 million Americans and Celiac disease affects 1% of the general population; 1 in 133 Americans.”

A study done in 2011 (Sapone, Lammers et al., 2011) showed that both Celiac Disease and gluten-sensitive are different, although patients may have similar symptoms. Celiac is a disease that can be diagnosed with labs and biopsy, while the term “gluten-sensitivity” is not as easily diagnosed.

Regardless of the diagnosis, gluten is a common cause of inflammation. Most people notice that various gut symptoms will be treated with trial elimination of gluten, which reduces inflammation and supports the immune system, resolving many underlying gut issues.

Several other studies also show how elimination of gluten helps decrease inflammation, such as the 2012 Italian study (Marziali, Vemza, et al., 2012) in which women with endometriosis were put on a gluten-free diet for 12 months. 75% of the women in the study reported significant pain relief. While another study done in Sweden in 2011 (Sapone, Lammers, et al., 2011) actually found that women with Celiac Disease were actually more at risk for endometriosis.

In the practice of Functional Medicine, diet is key in treating people. Our highly qualified Nutritionist, Stacy, is critical in helping heal our patients. She can assist with diet modification by meal planning and removing roadblocks while partnering with you in your health quest for going gluten-free and increasing your overall quality of life!

Marziali M, Vemza M, Lazzaro S et al. Gluten-free diet: a new strategy for management of painful endometriosis related symptoms? Minerva Chirurgica 2012;67(6):499-504

Sapone A, Lammers K, et al. Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. BMC Medicine 2011;9:23

Stephansson O, Falconer H, Ludvigsson JF. Risk of endometriosis in 11,000 women with celiac disease. Human Reproduction 2011;26(10):2896-2901